Thursday, July 19, 2012

10 Ways To Help You Get Rid Of Heartburn

Most everyone at some time or another will experience heartburn. Occasional heartburn is very common. However, more than a few times a month can be problem. It can get in the way of physical activities, lead to poor sleep patterns and cause damage to your body. With millions of people suffering from occasional to chronic heartburn natural remedies to get rid of heart burn are very popular.

The cause of heartburn starts with what you eat and your overall lifestyle choices. If you eat fatty foods, spicy foods, drink too much alcohol, eat too much or too fast you are going to have issues.

The name heartburn came from the pain and location in which it comes from. Heartburn has nothing to do with the heart but it feels like your heart is on fire since the esophageal Sphincter is in the same area as your heart. Thus the pain you feel is acid leaking up into your esophagus from your stomach.

There are many natural ways to get rid of heartburn without taking harsh medications. If heartburn is causing you to miss out on certain types of activities, you need to take an inventory of your condition and where you can make changes. For many people this is the problem. They are not willing to make changes in diet or other lifestyle norms.

1. One of the most common causes is being overweight. The extra weight the fat in the mid section places on the stomach can cause the acid to push up into the esophageal area.

2. Eating smaller portions and breaking your meals into 6 a day will have a dramatic effect. Your body will have to digest less during each meal and produce less acid.

3. Making dinner your lightest meal of the day is recommended. If you are going to eat a fat laden meal make it at lunch then have a light dinner of soup, salad or small sandwich. Also, too much protein can cause more acid to break down the solids. Adding in some carbohydrates or starches with your protein can help to counteract the stomach acids.

4. Sit up straight when eating and do not laying down for at least an hour after. This will reduce any acids from traveling back up the esophagus.

5. Soda's and carbonated drinks are the root of all evil! Drink more water. It will help to dilute acid and push it through your system. Carbonated drinks actually make your body more acidic which will enhance your heartburn symptoms.

6. Detoxify your body. Taking a natural detoxification supplement for a recommended amount of time will reduce body toxins and your body will digest food more efficiently with less acids.

7. Dress for the occasion! Wearing clothes with a tight waistline can push acids up. Loosen your attire and relax!

8. Green Tea and Ginger tea's help to improve digestion. Green tea is a great detoxifier and Ginger is a natural antacid used for centuries.

9. Cut out caffeine and nicotine. Both cause your lower esophageal sphincter to malfunction and allow acids to leak into your esophagus.

10. Adjusting your mattress angle up at the head end by 10 to 20 degrees will help keep acids from creeping up. You can do this with placing a wedge between your box spring and mattress. Don't use more pillows. This will just cause more pressure on the esophagus by bending the body and increase your heartburn.

There you have 10 ways to get rid of heartburn symptoms. By taking control of your life and making a few changes to live a healthier lifestyle can make a dramatic difference. If you choose not to the you will find it hard to get rid of heartburn symptoms. In fact your occasional heartburn symptoms may become chronic heartburn symptoms. This will lead to complications and some very serious medical conditions down the road.

Tracy Mullins is a full-time EMT with over 25 years of experience working in both the hospital and pre-hospital services. He is an online writer and researcher specializing in Natural Remedies for common everyday illnesses. After years of friends asking him about how to cure their ailments he became interested in learning about holistic healing and natural remedies. You can check out his resource site at: Heartburn Remedies []

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